Restrooms Needed for my Event| Job Site Restroom Regulations | Handicap Restroom Regulations10/25/2021 Restroom RegulationsThe first thing to consider is what type of site or event will the mobile toilets be needed. The needs of a construction site and a wedding are quite different. There are National Labor Regulations and OSHA guidelines that will affect the number of porta potties required on a job site. While all events, venues, and business sites will be responsible to meet American Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations. We can help determine the type of porta potty needed for a wedding, venue, festival, or work site. Remember that for events where food, beverages, or alcohol is served, as a rule of thumb a minimum of 25% more toilets are required, due to more frequent use. According to the ADA all venues, businesses, and event hosts are responsible for ensuring that their sites comply with all ADA guidelines. In doing so. they must ensure all buildings and facilities have proper access for all individuals on the site. Included in this act is the use of porta potties for all venues and events which are outdoors. Below is an overview of ADA guidelines regarding restrooms to help ensure your event or business is in compliance ADA HANDICAP COMPLIANT RESTROOM REGULATIONADA HANDICAP COMPLIANT RESTROOM REGULATION | INTERIOR SIZE & FEATURES REQUIRED ADA-compliant mobile toilets must have a large enough interior to allow a wheelchair to make a 180-degree turn. This requires a width of approximately 60 inches. In addition, handrails must be mounted on the interior walls of the mobile toilet allowing safe mobility for all disabled users while inside the mobile toilet ADA HANDICAP COMPLIANT RESTROOM REGULATION | ACCESSIBILITY REQUIREMENTS The location of the ADA-compliant mobile toilet must be such that it is easily accessible for those in a wheelchair. Or those who have difficulty moving or walking. Placement should preferably be where the ground is flat and level or a very slight incline is acceptable. Avoid placement on a steep incline or hill and never place at the top steps, which would be far too difficult if not impossible for handicapped users to access. The ground leading to the entrance must be flat and a ramp for wheelchair access must be provided if it is not. PERCENTAGE OF ADA HANDICAP COMPLIANT RESTROOM REQUITED All Open to public events and venues are required to have a minimum of one ADA-compliant Handicap restroom for every 20 restrooms at the site as well each separate location of restrooms must contain at least one Handicap restroom. This means that if all restrooms at an event are at one location, then you need one handicap for every 20 restrooms. However, if the event has restrooms at multiple locations, then each location must have at least one handicapped restroom. All Handicap restrooms must be ADA compliant, and they must all have the international symbol marking them as Handicap accessible restroom so that it is easily recognizable when trying to locate. RESTROOMS NEEDED FOR AN EVENTDetermining the number of Porta Potties or restrooms that you will need for an event will require two pieces of information, the length of the event and the number of guests attending the event. Table 1 has been included as a guideline for events that have between 50 and 5000 guests and for events from 1 to 9 hours in length. The data in the table is for events at which alcohol is not served. Additionally, you should expect the number of times the restroom requires cleaning to increase as the length of the event increases. During the pandemic, we recommend portable restrooms be cleaned hourly to minimize exposure to pathogens for users and help reduce the spread of COVID-19. Events, where alcohol is served, will naturally result in more frequent trips to the bathroom for the guest that are drinking. The general rule is to increase the numbers required for the event by 25% when Alcohol is being served. Additionally, you may need to clean the portable toilets more frequently as well. TABLE 1: NUMBER OF TOILETS NEEDED FOR X = NUMBER OF HOURS AND Y = NUMBER OF USERS TABLE 1 : RESTROOMS NEEDED FOR AN EVENT* LASTING X HOURS AND Y NUMBER OF GUEST * NOTE- THE NUMBER OF RESTROOMS SHOULD BE INCREASED BY 25% WHEN ALCOHOL IS SERVED AT THE EVENT Whether its your first time renting a portable toilet or your a pro, our specialist will make is a quick and easy process and will ensure you get the correct type and number of portable toilets for you job site, event or venue. Just Give Us a Call Today at 775-204-4555
Tips for the Safe Use of Porta Potties during the COVID-19 Pandemic
1. Make Face Masks MandatoryA facemask is nobodies favorite wardrobe addition, but COVID-19 is easily transmissible via contact with the saliva from an infected individual. Basically for a virus to spread two things are needed, a way for the virus to exit an infected individual (typically in bodily fluid; blood, urine, saliva, etc.) and a point to enter a healthy individual. The eye is the most common way for many virus to enter the human body. Thus speaking at close distance without a mask can be sufficient contact to spread this virus and simply being in the same room as an infected individual that coughs can easily infect every healthy person in the entire room. The COVID-19 virus is stable in air and is considered an airborne virus and a microscopic droplet of saliva landing in your eye or landing on your hand with, which you then rub your eye, is all that is required for the virus to spread. A mask prevents infected saliva from becoming air born in the first and is thus effective at significantly reducing the spread of COVID-19. Getting vaccinated is the best way to prevent getting ill from COVID-19, however it will NOT prevent you from contracting the virus. In fact, all the vaccine does is allow you body to produce an antigen which takes the body two weeks to do, this antigen is essential for the body to begin fighting the virus immediately. The antigen attaches to the protein on the outside of an COVID-19 infected cell which signals to the immune system that the cell is a threat and must be killed. It is two weeks while the body is producing the antigen that COVID_19 does serious and frequently life threatening damage to the lungs. A vaccinated individual can have COVID-19 and be completely asymptomatic (have no symptoms) thus they can unknowingly spread the virus to all unmasked and unvaccinated individuals with which they have reasonably close contact or happen to cough in the same room. GET THE VACCINE 2. Position Port Potties at Least 6 Feet ApartAt sites, events and venues that require more than one porta potty, it is best to pick an open flat location that has enough space to allow for at least 6 ft. between each mobile toilet. Setting up toilets at separate locations within your site is one possibility, but keep in mind that you must have at least one ADA Handicap Accessible restroom at each of the sites. If you have a location on your site or venue that allows for the toilets to be set up with minimum distance of 6 ft apart, you can avoid added costs of putting barriers up between each porta potty. Posting signs to remind users to keep a distance of at least 6 ft. apart might be useful to discourage users from congregating around the restrooms. 3. Mark off Lines with Positions 6 Feet Apart for Each Porta PottyConcerts, festivals, and wedding are just a few events and venues where lines for restrooms are customary. We recommend that you make designated lines for each porta potty with marks every 6 ft to indicate where each person should be waiting. It will help encourage restroom users to follow social distancing guidelines and be a safer and less stressful experience for everyone. 4. Maintain an Hourly Cleaning & Sanitation ScheduleMaintaining a regular cleaning and sanitation process is key here. We recommend that cleaning followed by disinfecting of Porta Potties be done each hour to significantly reduce exposure to germs for users. Having at least one staff member dedicated to the maintenance the Porta Potty at each location is recommended and suggest that they perform a spot cleaning and thoroughly spaying disinfectant to sanitize the areas where user contact. This will help reduce the risk of exposure to germs. 5. Handwashing & Hand Sanitizer StationWhen a site, event or venues that provide standard porta potty, which do not include a sink, should provide a handwashing and hand sanitizer station. It is important that everyone washes their hands with soap immediately after using the restroom. The reason is any germs that were transferred to the hands while using the restroom can easily be transfer to the face or eyes. The eyes are in fact easiest and most common way in which to become infected by a virus, which is why we also recommend the use of a hand sanitizing station for added protection. Addition hand sanitizer stations ideally should be located throughout the venue or site to allow people to frequently kill any germs with which they may have had contact.
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